When I purchased the latest Humble Ebook Bundle, I did it with the intention of grabbing a few titles that I’ve wanted to read but didn’t have the money to pick them all up individually. Being a poor, broke retail employee isn’t everything that they make it look like in the movies; it’s actually worse.
So I’m sitting at my desk, which is actually a bed, and pick one of the books at random to read a few pages and decide on what to read ‘after’ I finish up Anna Karenina. Because I want to look like a smarty pants asshole and finish up some classics that no one else in my small circle of friends have ever touched. My eyes settle on a book that was, to best honest, my last choice.
On the surface, Just a Geek is the perfect book for me. It’s essentially a collection of blog posts that form a narrative from the blog of former Star Trek actor now writer and sometimes comic Wil Wheaton. Personally, he’s always been one of those people that come across as genuinely funny and relatable. However, I was hesitant because I was afraid that this would be one long book about Star Trek and after finishing the excellent John Skalzi novel Red Shirts, I wanted something more real.
Little did I know that many hours later I would forget about Anna and her scandalous escapades and find myself completely stuck in the completely heartfelt and amusing thoughts of a man that I now admire with a depth that can only be felt by truly connecting one nerd to another.
My life has been anything but perfect, I’ve made some terrible decisions and an equal amount of good ones. I am one of those 26 year old nerdy guys that still lives with his parents. I’m marrying a girl with two sons of her own. The only good I’ve done for myself is recently acquired an associate's degree and plan to continue (not this year however) to earn a Bachelor's in English.
Working retail means that I have to scrimp and save until I find a better job and am better able to help in the support of my soon to be family. It has been an extremely sobering experience to say the least. The way in which Will has gotten into my head and allowed me to think about where I am and how far I still need to go is stupendous. I really cannot recommend it enough, even at full price.
What I hope that you guys get out of this post is that I love to read and talk about what I read, play games and talk about what I’m playing, and write a lot. In the next week or so I might, if I feel comfortable enough, post a scene that I’m working on for a short story and ask for some feedback. I don’t have a particular focus on what I write, as long as I find it interesting.
So, any books that you can recommend? Personally I’m into classic literature, Science Fiction, anything literary, I’ll even read a good mystery or horror if you can give me a reason. Until next time, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
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